It does not get any better. They’re just in a transition period right now and dealing with persistent client demands of “command and control”. If it were easy to write a press release, there would be no need for press release writing services, press release writing articles, books, and newsletters. As a Media Manager, I am the one responsible for asking for updates when we catch an error and the eReleases team is always super great about making those needed changes with urgency! Pretty great compared the old days. Always keep in mind that a press release should be short, to the point, and contain only the significant details that would attract the attention of media professionals. Savvy and progressive PR agencies are still storytellers but also consult on message creation and distribution. THANK YOU... eReleases is the best kept secret in PR. Love eReleases they are truly the best! Certainly there are many other reports, white papers, case studies and research published in 2010 about the intersection of Public Relations and Social Media. Public relations spans a broad array of tactics and strategies. As such, what any two PR campaigns look like in actual practice can be vastly different depending on its goals. eReleases is the leader for good reason. B2B Marketing views, news and interviews.

They continually amaze us and we wouldn't use any other company for press releases.

Customer service is the best that I have EVER experienced.

Social Media Comes of Age:  The Vocus 2011 Planning Survey. Responsive Customer Service. See how Skateistan uses CoverageBook . Working with eRelease has been one of my most pleasant business experiences in quite some time. Marketing refers to the promotional and advertising activities undertaken by a company in order to sell its products or services to consumers. 2010 I wasn’t too big on social media..but in 2011 I will be paying more attention because I see it something we all must adapt to if we want to really go global. Thanks for your comment Mike. All of those surveyed have some level of social media effort underway though many indicate there will be continued learning. They are the best in the business for execution and customer service. The team is very helpful and always picks up the phone which is so refreshing. My customer experience with eReleases was excellent! They were very helpful and even refunded me $100 when I called them to ask for a hold on the press release I had originally intended to go out that same day! Thank you for caring. Your article is a fantastic resource – had to share it today over at the Social Media Zone under’s umbrella – maybe you’d consider an interview,


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