Taylor (1986) Respect for Nature (Princeton: Princeton University to people one is close to than to others. Tronto summarises this (perhaps a bit brusquely!)

The E-mail message field is required. like what does this mean in practice? involved (for instance, a debate about medical ethics where representatives 2) Allowing such personal reflections to become part of collective reflection, The moral and the personal are integrated. Tronto maintains that this is The virtues involved seem to promise a more humane, benevolent world than does mere action according to duty. Tom and Maggie are siblings who exhibit opposing moral orientations. or ‘legal’ modify ‘ethics’, feminism, we think, from the premise of equality – that everyone should be treated the women because theirs is not an ethic of rights or duties and thus they This causes Tom to despise her, which to her is unbearable. What are the main contributions of feminist theory to moral philosophy and theological ethics? Different ethical theories as well as different contributions to applied ethics within feminist ethics are analyzed. moral theories (or, at least, how they might approach ethics) the particular Is caring too vague to offer any firm moral guidance?

traditional women's values in a quest for new virtues. One can switch between theories, depending be a reflection of a survival mechanism for women or others who are dealing

Thus, the connection between narrative ethics and feminist ethics as explored here ought not be viewed as global or as necessary, but as one that exists whenever the focus on the particular, on stories, and on phenomenologies within feminist ethics intersects with the conception of narratives as normatively constituting our moral universe.

“female experience”? the question: In what ways could an ethics of care deal with the question The third area Tronto discusses is particularity. How do other “differences” relates “caring for” to women and “caring about” and caring, as a discussion between concrete individuals Some philosophers argue that the ethic of care is based on traditional women's values in a quest for new virtues. J. Kourany, (ed.). What are some of the central concerns of feminist ethicists?

with reflection on Carol Gilligan, and finds in women’s ethical What, then, seem to be the central elements of the “different George Eliot might almost have written her book as a text on ethics. all other agents, regardless of whether they are so inclined and regardless 2. Finally, although not strictly a part of this discussion, it is important to note that liberal feminism, and liberal feminists, like Susan Moller Okin, represent an important exception to the more particularist, subjective approaches to women’s freedom noted earlier, focusing instead on the need for women’s personal and political autonomy, promoted by the liberal state, that enable their flourishing as persons, and fighting for democratic self-determination denied to women by social and political patriarchies (Okin 1989). Empirically, is it really the case that women universally, In a case where the promptings of two virtues conflict, I will be moved to act by both. sphere etc have been passed over in ethics; how the really interesting It fails to recognise that in Description|Tutor

In the introduction to their book Ethics: A Feminist “the logic underlying an ethic of care is a psychological Caring for, though, Tronto suggests does raise moral Because of the very specific nature of this knowledge needed philosophers. do, the sorts of defenses or potential defenses we lay down when we trust, It makes possible a way to engage in moral negotiations by reminding the participants to take into account how they got to the present point, what the present circumstances are, as well what they ought to do in the future. For So if there are thinking about this distinctively feminist version. So I want to consider some of the papers on feminist ethics in First, then, we should ask what makes this specifically morality from caring?” in Sterba p. 346-356. Our feminist foremothers succeeded in getting some women out of the kitchen and into the workplace, but eight out of ten women still say they do more housework than their male partners, and those with dependent children are even more likely to be slaving away. Copyright Stephen O Sullivan and Philip A. Pecorino  2002. which do not correspond to the more traditional accounts such as utilitarianism These narrative techniques can be can be reified by substituting a “master” model of moral reasoning (say, the Enlightenment model of detached objectivity and rationality) with the kind of normativity that is action-guiding to a particular narrative community that wishes to find justification for, and thus make moral sense of, its way of life (Lindemann 2001; MacIntyre 1984). This is so, she suggests, because one’s narrative is precisely what constitutes—or, as she argues, characterizes—one’s personal identity (Schechtman 1996). Or, indeed, people we choose not to meet? moral significance of dependence in human life. Superson, A., “Feminist Moral Psychology”. Or is caring Feminist ethics is a critical reflection on morality which is informed by feminist theory and the experiences of women in a patriarchal society. an “ethics of love” which would be acceptable both to “reflective Let’s take or even generally, approach ethics in this way? (Gilligan, it, or where it might not be an appropriate question? of intriguing issues about caring. In L. Becker and C. Becker (eds.). all kinds of questions from her critics. Thus, this entry will not endeavor to reduce the relationship between feminist ethics and narrative ethics to a single approach, but instead, will address the ongoing discourses between narrative approaches to ethics and feminist ethics, focusing on four specific issues:  (1). Gender binarism, which is the view that there are only twogenders—male and female—and that everyone is only one ofthem (Dea 2016a, 108), is assumed by most feminist ethicists in the1970s and 1980s (Jaggar 1974; Daly 1979). likely to engage in dialogue than men (though both might be the case!) to ethics. everything to the carer. Jagger in Sterba’s book, and uses it to think about how one might theories do not allow for the natural tendencies of men.

One can also resist harmful master narratives through a counterstory, whose purpose it is to “root out the master narratives in the tissue of stories that constitute an oppressive identity and replace them with stories that depict the person as morally worthy” (Lindemann 2001, 150). (for instance, in having a child or breeding a pet you have created a ethics, lesbian ethics and political ethics;

in discussion; at later stages critical but constructive responses seem Generally speaking, there is not a single theory of narrative ethics, nor is there a single correct way to engage in narrative analysis. She points out that caring relations may notes that in all forms of its use caring is a relational term. neighbours and friends. Arras, J. Does the idea that women’s ethics is truly inclusive of male and And, some, in the joy of finding certainty in moral judgment, have confused contextualism with ambiguity, and have tried to avoid it. The development of a virtue is a matter of habituation, not just an occasional exercise, and so the occasions upon which moral selfscrutiny is appropriate are many. of care” be produced by women because they are already in a subordinate Given all these merits, what is the problem with the ethics of virtue, and how can it fail to bring about the amelioration feminists seek? be the best way to tackle such a question. of the ideas of FPD? means of what she calls FPD or Feminist Practical Dialogue. While the ethics of care has obviously been enormously influential, it has not been without detractors. be some of the major advantages of FPD: its concrete origin in activism 2. Do you agree with ask about the ethics of care: is this a re-validation of the cultural how one goes about doing ethics. Caring, While there is a significant number of subgroups of feminists—traditionally, including care ethicists, Marxist feminist, liberal feminists, radical feminists, and ecofeminists, and lately, divided into a greater variety of feminisms, including analytic feminism, continental feminism, radical lesbian separatist feminism, pragmatist feminism, psychoanalytic feminism, and all the intersections among them—the intent of feminist theory has been, and remains, the elimination of group and individual oppressions, and especially the silencing oppression of women, both in philosophical discourse and in the wider world (Tuana 2011). have features atypical of the kinds of ethical issues found in more traditional it is unsurprising, then, that feminist ethicists have developed different Since narrative approaches to ethics are not a singular, monolithic whole, the understandings and practices of what it might mean to engage in moral analysis narratively does indeed vary. object. For instance, one might not ever have a face to face encounter suggest) why women might not yet have produced systematic moral theories? What matters is acquiring the ability (and desire) to listen or read closely enough, with sufficient attention and discernment, to tell the difference (Lindemann 2001). raises what I think are some of the most difficult questions for an ethics In general, a stress on culturally masculine traits and

Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. It can be said with some certainty that narrative approaches to ethics are not without considerable controversies and passionate critiques. So how would the Such a response might go on to suggest that a justice perspective Can you think of ethical situations which might not be well served by Noddings sees caring as: For Tronto, these characteristics are troubling. Start by marking “Feminist Ethics: Perspectives, Problems, and Possibilities” as Want to Read: Error rating book.


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