A single stem rose in an old olive oil bottle is the epitome of chic. Plus, they don't require you to drill holes in the wall. But that can be hard to do if your living space is looking either too cramped or too empty. An easy and affordable way to make your home feel more inviting and cozy is to personalize available surfaces with meaningful knickknacks. ). shawna.wilson (author) from Arizona on August 12, 2008: Yes, these ideas help your wallet and the environment!

We called in a professional to show us how. The cowboy hat hangs opposite the shelf. If you want to do something bold, try painting wide stripes or paint just the top or bottom half of the walls.

The easiest way to breathe new life into a space is by getting rid of all unnecessary clutter to create a bigger, more welcoming and calming environment since fewer items mean less stuff to make a mess of. Don't feel like you have to paint all the walls in a room the same color. Moonlake-I love to use color too.

Wiping them down or deep cleaning them can make your space shine and look just like it did when you first moved in. desert blondie from Palm trees, swimming pools, lots of sand, lots of sunscreen on August 11, 2008: shawna.wilson (author) from Arizona on August 11, 2008: gr8archer45-I really like collages too. One of the easiest, least expensive things is do rearrange the furniture you own. Got a tip, kitchen tour, or other story our readers should see. Rather than going wild at Pottery Barn or even IKEA (which we can’t do right now), there are simple ways that anyone can enjoy a new look, even on the tightest shoestring budget.

I love to go to auctions and buy the little $1 boxes that are just full of wonderful and different things. You can completely revamp your space by simply restyling it with items you already own. In addition to the sentimental items, I used an old shelf from my college apartment and painted it red. Nice article! If that still doesn't sound straightforward, don't stress.

Thanks. Try spray painting the hardware in your home. Grove's tip is to pile them up and then place one of the aforementioned decorative objects on top. Others are images that are very similar to the decor in my home. Decorating with wall art is an incredible method to characterize the theme of your living room while adding enthusiasm to your walls. They function as backdrops for framed artwork. I really should add one to my living room. Believe it or not—just a little stretching and stapling can give you an instant room makeover with absolutely zero sewing. And when in doubt, put a plant on it! We enlisted the help of a few trusted decorators and interior designers who gave us the lowdown on revamping a space by restyling it, all without spending a dime. Look for swatches that contain the main colors from your décor, plus an accent.

This may sound too good to be true, but the solution is fairly simple: It's all about how you style what you already have. Try something different—split up your sectional, put your bed on the opposite wall, or change the end table to the other side of the chair.

Also look for subtle colors already in the room, like a hint of yellow in an accent rug, or a bit of blue in a piece of artwork. Have fun!

published Jul 31, 2016. Tea-carts, end tables and plant stands can be a great place to start. But sometimes… I just wanna decorate with stuff I already have at home. moonlake from America on August 15, 2008: Loved your little boy's room. Styling with color can be tricky, especially in the kitchen. A fellow writer even told me she spray painted her laptop! Faux finishes are also a fun way to add style and color. When you get done with a project like any of the ones you mentioned, you have something unique, something you can't purchase anywhere. One person may see just a basket, but I see so much more, a shelf on the wall perhaps or how about a place to put guest towals in the bathroom. 5 Steps for Finding Your Decorating Style, How to Grow a Vegetable Garden: 7 Important Steps, Create a More Inviting Home (It’s Easier Than You Think!


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